Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day 13:  16/9/2014   Kununurra, WA to Larrawa Station, WA     Distance travelled:  513km

We had a nice, easy drive to Halls Creek, coming through the Kimberly mining region.  We saw lots more Boab trees, and interesting rock formations. 

We had booked a place to stay through the Halls Creek tourist office, and we thought the lady we booked with (Molly) said Larrawa Station was only about 40km past Halls Creek. When we stopped at Halls Creek for lunch and to get better direction, we found out it was 147km past Halls Creek, then an extra 4km on a dirt track. All good fun.

The lady that runs it, Wendy, was very nice and gave us a tour of our room and facilities. Yep very basic room, no A/C and outside facilities, again all nice and clean.   We had a communal dinner with Wendy and Brock and the other guests, it was a great evening and seeing the stars out here was amazing. We also got a few tips on where to stay and what to see for some of the places we are going. I would recommend staying here. I had a great time after dinner talking about sports, local issues, world politics, etc. On Facebook look for Larrawa Nature Stay.

Some fact about Larrawa Station. While they are small for a station in these parts, it’s only about 500,000 acres. They have at any time around 5 – 8 thousand head of cattle, plus sheep.

Tomorrow we are off to Broome, WA. We booked for 2 nights, but Pat wants to stay at least 3. We will see how we like it.

 Me along side a very large Boab tree. Near Derby there is a larger tree that was used as a temporary prison. Now thats big
 The end or start of the Tanami track from Halls Creek. I had thought about doing it at one point but was talked out of it because of the harsh road conditions. It's 1,014km long.
 How the Tanami track looks.
 Pat outside our accommodation at Larrawa Station
 Pat next to a Boab tree.

My poor car needs a clean.

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