Friday 26 September 2014

Day 23: 26/9/2014   Norseman, WA   to Eucla, WA (Crossing the Nullarbor)    Distance travelled:  750km

This was going to be another long day at the wheel.  The drive itself was not hard, but was taxing in that you had to really concentrate as the roads were straight and boring. Pat and I got to a stage that when a bend appeared we cheered. There was a section that was sign posted as the longest straight road in Australia of around 146.6km. We had frequent stops and managed to arrive in Eucla, WA after 9:30hrs on the road.

One of the interesting things we saw of the road was the number of designated RFDS landing strips on the highway itself. During the tour of RFDS they explained what the process for this was.

In Eucla, WA which in itself is a glorified roadhouse with accommodation we freshened up and then went exploring. We drove about 4km along a dirt track to see a Telegraph Station which was in operations between 1877 and 1927. From there we had to walk about 3km (round trip) to see the sand dunes and beach. 

The walk itself was not long, but what made it difficult was the soft sand and the hundreds of flies wanting to get into your mouth, nose, eyes, etc.. We got back to our Motel and I hit the showers to cool down. Oh yeah, the temp was around 34C.

We got something to eat at the restaurant/pub here and took it to our room. I was getting ready to watch the Rugby League (Rabbits vs Roosters), only to find out that they can’t pick up GEM here. Oh well, just have to listen online.

Tomorrow we are off to Ceduna, SA. There will be another time zone change.

 Typical road sign. We did see an Emu with her 8 chicks walking near the road. Other than that nothing.
 Long straight road.
 We stopped for lunch here. Cockklebiddy is a roadhouse/town?
 We are getting closer to Sydney, only 2522km to go. A little more for us as we are making another detour to Adelaide.
 The start of the sand dunes near Eucla Telegraph Station
 This is whats left of the Telegraph Station
The beaches. Very fine white sand. brilliant blue water.

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