Wednesday 10 September 2014

Day 7:  Uluru, NT to Alice Springs, NT      Distance travelled: 510km with side trips
We left Uluru around 8am (yep nice leisurely start) and our first stop was to look at Mt Conner. It truly is spectacular. It reminds me of pictures I have seen of Tabletop Mountain in Durban.

We then had breakfast at Erldunda Roadhouse. I met a guy that runs a motorbike expedition (he was on one now that started in Melbourne and ends in Darwin. It takes 10 days to do. The guy’s name is Jerry Cook, and is very friendly, and the company is called Compass Expeditions.

Our next stop was another detour driving on a very heavily corrugated road for 15km to see the Henbury  Meteorite craters. The meteor shower was around 4,700 years ago. Even with the erosion that took place, you can see the major impacts it made.

We arrived in Alice Springs around 2.30pm, checked in and then did a bit of a tour around Alice.
We had dinner at Lasseter’s Casino. Good meal, but we were tired and decided that some rest was needed.

Tomorrow we head to Tennant Creek. This is where I had the bike accident nearly 3 years to the day. 

 Mt Conner. Many tourist mistake this for Uluru. Mt Connor is actually bigger than Uluru
 Big bird.. Emu just wandering around
 Writeup on Henbury crater
 This 2 dimensional picture does not do justice to the crater
Pat made a friend with a lizard. You see 100s of these on the road sunning themselves.

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