Monday 8 September 2014

Day 5: Coober Pedy , SA to Uluru, NT    

Today was our longest drive so far - at least distance-wise, 756 km. But, we did it in just around 7 hours, including a couple stops. You just gotta love that 130 km speed limit in NT! Also, it is certainly quicker getting out of Coober Pedy (5 mins) than it is getting out of Sydney (1 hour).   Leaving Coober Pedy, we were stuck again by all the piles of mullock.  This is the rock that is dug out by miners, and sucked out by a large vacuum and left on the surface. It is actually illegal for the miners to backfill and put it back in their tunnels afterward! (safety risk, apparently.) it leaves the entire mining area looking like a habitat for giant moles.

From there our drive up to the NT was long but uneventful. We stopped at Cadney Park roadhouse for breakfast, where we pulled in at the same time as 2 other 4WDs, and continued to take turns passing each other for the rest of the day. 

The temperature continued to climb from 26 C when we left CP, up to 37 C when we came into our hotel at Uluru.  We are staying at the Outback Pioneer Hotel.... One of the more affordable (hah!) hotels at the Ayers Rock Resort.  The room is nice, and there are lots of options for dining, activities, tours and shopping at the resort.

We got here mid-afternoon, so just took some time to chill out, catch up on msgs and emails, and check out the facilities before heading out for the sunset viewing at Uluru.  Some of the websites I read about this left me with low expectations. But, at least today, it was a really nice experience. We missed out on doing the "Sounds of Silence" tour, which includes a bush tucker buffet dinner, along with drinks and the sunset viewing - since they were already sold out for today.  So, we did our own bottle of wine, with some leftover pizza and homemade salami we brought along. There were lots of other tourists there of course, but all very friendly, sharing their travel experiences and offering to take group photos for each other.  One couple from Melbourne borrowed our tripod to make a time-lapse video of the sunset... we should get a copy of it emailed to us - if we do, we will add it to our page.

These are the mullock piles.... in some places near Coober Pedy, there are just hundreds of them, as far as you can see. 
One of our stops - coming into NT.

 Uluru - before sunset...
....during sunset

...after sunset

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