Friday 5 September 2014

Day 3:   6/9/2014  Broken Hill  NSW to Port Augusta, SA      Distance traveled: 440km   

Today we had a leisurely start. We had breakfast in Broken Hill then hit the road around 8.30am local time. The road to the SA border was very good, nice mix of corners and straights. We saw many more goats along the roadway grazing. We hit the SA border and just after the border sign appeared the road and landscape totally changed. The landscape was arid desert-like and the road was straight. It reminded me of the Nullarbor Highway.
We stopped in a town now called Peterborough in South Australia (was previously called Petersburg) Peterborough was a large railway town and all around town you see old train carriages and engines. While all that is interesting, the prime reason for stopping was that there is a privately held Motorbike museum and B&B. I went to have a look and was definitely impressed with the number of old motorbikes and the fact that they are all owned by the proprietor, his name is Ian Spooner. Ian retired early (47) and pursued his dream of having a motorcycle museum.  I spent some time with him and saw how proud he was of his bikes. He said what’s the point of having money if you can’t use it to live your dream. Well put, Ian!

We arrived in Port August around 1pm local time. Had some lunch and did some touring around town. We had intended to visit the base for the Flying Doctor Service, but they are closed to the public on weekend.  Intend to have a quiet evening and trying to find were I can watch the Eagles playing the Cowboys- Big game tonight. SA is not a Rugby League state, so might have a few problems.

Today is Tanias birthday, so we called to wish her a happy birthday.

It’s funny; we have only been on the road for 3 days, but feel like we have done so much. Pat and I have been talking about our route and are now thinking of making a major change. We had intended to backtrack from Broome, WA and head for North Queensland, then down to Sydney. We are now thinking from Broome we may head down the WA coastline to Perth, then across the Nullarbor WA, SA, Vic, and then home to Sydney.  Distance-wise it works out just a little more, but do-able in a timeframe. We will see….

Tomorrow we are off to Coober Pedy.
 Information Centre in Peterborough
 Bikes in the Bike Museum
Ian Spooner owner and bike lover.

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