Thursday 11 September 2014

Day 8:  Alice Springs, NT to Tennant Creek, NT    Distance travelled: 529km with side trips

Well it’s nearly 3 years to the day since I was last here. Just to recap, 3 years ago I was riding around Australia and came unstuck 50km north of Tennant Creek while overtaking a 4 trailer Road Train.

Back to our trip…, the drive from Alice Spring was smooth and uneventful.  Out first side trip stop was a place called Wycliffe Well. They advertise themselves as the UFO capital of Australia. Very underwhelmed.

Our next stop was Devils Marbles (Karlu Karlu).   Devils Marbles are large granitic boulders that form the exposed top layer of an extensive and mostly underground granite formation. The natural processes of weathering and erosion have created the various shapes of the boulders. They are amazing to see.

We then arrived at Tennant Creek. I hate to say this about any town or place, but it really feels like a depressing place. The locals just hand around the Pub or just sit in the shade. When I was filling up with fuel, met a guy traveling, who was from Frenches Forest. What are the odds of meeting someone from your own neighborhood.

Tomorrow we decided to head straight to Darwin. This will be about a 1000km drive and should take about 10 hrs. We intend staying in Darwin for a couple of days and doing tours of Kakadu, before heading south again to Kathrine and doing sightseeing around Kathrine George.

 Pat made a friend
 Guarding the shop
 Just to show the size of these boulders. I'm the small object in the middle.
This is a termite mound that some traveler dressed up. There are thousands of these along the road and tourist amuse themselves by dressing them.

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